
Hi I'm Deborah and I am a serial entrepreneur! I love starting businesses.
Why TTM Tees?
One of the hardest things about a start up is finding the right people. I went to event after event, spoke to so many people and of course, they were always either looking for someone themselves, or they had a different skill set, etc. It was very frustrating.
So I had the lightbulb moment to stick it on my chest! Wear it! Tell everyone who I was looking for and maybe the right person would come to me. And sure enough, it worked! And oh my god, what an ice breaker.
Then I thought, well I don't have a boyfriend and maybe....? Ha ha, can't say there's a happy ending to that situation, but again, what an icebreaker. So check out the Cheeky and Fun Collections too.
So what are you looking for? Are you game enough?